我是 林彥廷
I am Yenting Lin

I like to linger and think.


I believed the meaning of a person’s life comes from his connections with people and the environment. For the better future we long for, we must maintain the relations. To achieve that, one must become a real human, then share with others. So the balance among the world will live, everything becomes better.


Diversity,” which I believed is the key to a better world, is what I want to achieve for the world we share, also being the best word to describe my life. I figured out that in order to manage these issues properly and make the world better, we must embrace every difference we met by admitting, respect and recognition. This is the attitude I keep reminding myself all the time.




What am I doing now?

Appier 擔任 Campaign Manager

Appier 是一家廣告科技公司。在數位廣告領域中,運用大數據、人工智慧,提供對的內容給對的人——亦即「精準行銷」。我,負責執行廣告,以各種可能的廣告組合,在經驗及數據的基礎上,持續優化,達到成效。

I am a Campaign Manager in Appier.

Appier is an ad tech company, aims to deliver the right content to the right person across screens. For me, I execute campaigns, optimize continuously and raise the overall performance.


 What have I done before?

我曾在 FlyingV(台灣的群眾募資網站)實習。

擔任「實習行銷」的期間,我嘗試著將人們相互連結起來,創造有意義的結果。大部分的時候,人們可以從這個平台上獲得資金的協助,並透過 FlyingV 與各專業領域的人的聯繫,彼此共享豐富的經歷、專業知識,一同為美好的計畫與夢想打拼。

瞭解更多 》

I was an marketing intern in FlyingV (a crowdfunding platform in Taiwan) recently.

As an marketing intern, I try to connect people and bring out meaningful results. In most cases on our platform, funds play the major role. Otherwise, our connection with professional people in numerous area, the experiences and knowledges we share collectively can provide help in different forms to fit the situations.

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Please find my resume.


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